When your back hurts the last thing you want to do is to be confined to a small space in an uncomfortable chair for several hours. For example think of the last time you were on an airplane with a person on either side of you. If you suffer from back pain then you know exatly what I am talking about. But what if you were offered a choice between being strapped in an uncomfortable chair for a 5 hr plane ride across the country… or paying a little bit more for a spine friendly seat, what would you do? Spineuniverseconducted aurvey recently , and found that 88% people who… Read More
Continue ReadingAlexander Method For Back Pain
Have you ever heard of the Alexander Method? What is it and how can it help back sufferers? The Alexander Technique Frederick Matthias Alexander, an actor, invented the Alexander Technique in the late 1800’s to relieve his own vocal and breathing troubles while reciting his lines on stage. These technique help us examine our everyday normal reaction habits. Think about it, if we react calmy with more poise, we work with our bodies mechanics instead of against it. These lessons are taught one-on-one because each person’s body movement habits are different. The instructor uses gentle, non-manipulative touch to guide the student through simple movements. It basically works like this, the… Read More
Continue ReadingAlexander Method How Effective?
In our last post on the Alexander Method we discussed the general idea behind the Alexander method. Today we will discuss the latest findings on a report based on the what the British Medical Association’s journal found. I quote: “On August 19, 2008, BMJ online, the British Medical Association’s journal, released the findings of Professor Paul Little and colleagues on the subject of the effectiveness of Alexander Technique lessons, massage and exercise in treating recurring back pain (BMJ 2008;337:a884). The study included 152 teachers and therapists and was set in 64 general practices located in both Southampton and Bristol, England. After following 579 patients for one year, the study concludes… Read More
Continue Reading7 Steps To Choosing A Mattress For Back Pain
Shopping for a mattress to help relieve your back pain? Here are 8 tips to help you making a good choice. 1. Personal preference, everyone is different, there is no single mattress style or type that works for all people with low back pain. 2. How is the mattress constructed? Mmattresses vary in their number and type of coils. Mattress padding comes in many different thicknesses. 3. Does it support your back? It should provide support for the natural curves and alignment of the spine. This support helps you to avoid muscle soreness in the morning. One study found that medium-firm mattresses usually provide more back pain relief than firm… Read More
Continue ReadingSpine stimulation
Spine Stimulation With Electrical Shock Todays guest article discusses a new form of back pain therapy that involves electrical shok stimulations. It tells the story of Betty Jones who injured her back in a car accident 40 years ago, yet lives with unrelenting back pain every day. “I was in the hospital. Had therapy. But I never got rid of the pain,” said Jones. Instead of going the surgery route, she thought she would try spinal cord stimulation, a treatment that sends electricity up and down the spine to mask the pain. The device that is used has been nicknamed the “pacemaker for pain” is inserted through the epidural space… Read More
Continue ReadingCupping For Back Pain Relief
Cupping? What is cupping and is it something you might want to try? Read about this newspaper writer who tried this ancient chinese remedy to heal sore backs that involve glass, fire and a bunch of round red blotch marks afterward. “Cupping – used to combat back pain, drain excess fluids and toxins, stimulate the nervous system and increase blood flow to the muscles – is only meant to be “mildly painful”. That, of course, depends upon what you class as mild. Dr Fei Wang, an acupuncturist who also practices cupping explained that the technique has been used for thousands of years in China. I is supposed to have beneficial… Read More
Continue ReadingWhen To Use Ice Or Heat For Back Pain
Question: When should I use ice or heat? Have you ever asked this question before? Notice what one chiropractor recommends: A: Ice! Only occasionally, you can use heat. Wh? Notice what he goes on to say: When your back pain flares-up, it is inflamed. The muscles, joints, ligaments and nerves will become irritated and swollen. This is the time that you use ice. Ice has anti-inflammatory effects, which reduce the local swelling. As the inflammation decreases, so will your pain. This is why anti-inflammatory medications are so popular and widespread. These are prescribed regularly on an ongoing basis for people for joint and muscle pain because inflammation is the first… Read More
Continue ReadingNew Back Pain Surgery Cleared By FDA
If you have ever had to go under the “knife” or are contemplating it for dealing with your existing unrelenting back pain, then you may want to read this article. FLORIDA — Each year, 40-60% of American adults suffer from chronic back pain. Now, a new surgery is offering relief to many people with less pain, rehabilitation, and anxiety. Traditional surgery to treat back pain involves a large incision, a 3-4 hour surgery, and a long, painful recovery. new procedure called Axialif, which involves a less than 1 inch incision, less time under the knife, and a shorter, less painful recovery has been now cleared by the FDA for certain… Read More
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