In our last post on the Alexander Method we discussed the general idea behind the Alexander method. Today we will discuss the latest findings on a report based on the what the British Medical Association’s journal found.
I quote:
“On August 19, 2008, BMJ online, the British Medical Association’s journal, released the findings of Professor Paul Little and colleagues on the subject of the effectiveness of Alexander Technique lessons, massage and exercise in treating recurring back pain (BMJ 2008;337:a884). The study included 152 teachers and therapists and was set in 64 general practices located in both Southampton and Bristol, England.
After following 579 patients for one year, the study concludes that the Alexander Technique offers long-term relief from recurring back pain. In contrast, massage may be effective in the short-term but its benefits fade away after 3 months.”

PRO Massage Therapy Comments:

This is not too say that massage therapy is ineffective, on the contrary it is very effective for addressing immediate problems. The point is that if a person continues to use bad posture and poor lifting techniques they will injure themselves over and over again.
So view this as a two step process.
1-Massage therapy for those injuries.
2-Then the Alexander method to make sure it holds!
The article gos on to say:
“This study used control subjects who did not receive any special treatment as a benchmark. They were reported to suffer 21 days of pain in a 4 week period.
In comparison, after one year, subjects who underwent massage suffered 33% fewer days of pain. However, subjects who were given 24 one-on-one Alexander Technique lessons from certified teachers suffered 86% fewer days of pain.”

PRO Massage Therapy Comments:

This confirms what we just discussed. A person needs to address why they keep hurting themselves over and over again. It usually comes from the day to day sudden movements and actions that hurt the bodies natural mechanics system.

So it comes down to this.
Get a massage and feel better.
Then talk to your therapist about the right way to get out of a chair, into your car, pick things up, twist and turn. Making these minor changes in the way you live your day to day life will make an extraordinary difference in your quality of life.

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